5 Points How Acupuncture can Improve Egg Quality


Acupuncture is often used for fertility support, including improving egg quality. Here some ways how acupuncture can improve your egg quality.

  1. Enhanced Blood Flow: Acupuncture promote blood circulation, including increased blood flow to the ovaries. Improved blood flow facilitates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the developing follicles, enhancing egg quality.
  2. Hormonal Balance: Acupuncture helps regulate hormonal balance by influencing the release of hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Balanced hormone levels are essential for healthy follicle development and egg maturation.
  3. Stress Reduction: Acupuncture is known to have stress-reducing effects by promoting relaxation and balancing the nervous system. Chronic stress can negatively impact fertility and egg quality, so reducing stress levels through acupuncture may indirectly improve egg quality.
  4.  Anti-inflammatory Effects: Acupuncture has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation can contribute to oxidative stress, which impairs egg quality. By reducing inflammation, acupuncture help create a more favorable environment for healthy egg development.
  5. Regulation of Reproductive Processes: Acupuncture influence the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that affect reproductive processes, which improves ovarian function, follicle development, and egg quality.

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In Health,
Dr. V
Ioanna Vouloumanou, DAOM, LAc.


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