10 Fun & Easy Spring Detox Ideas to Reset Your Body and Mind!

Why Spring is the Best Time to Detox:

Spring is nature’s way of hitting the reset button, and it’s the perfect time to do the same for your body and mind! As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, your body naturally craves lighter, fresher foods and more movement. By harnessing the energy of spring and incorporating these fun detox tips into your routine, you’ll feel more vibrant, alive, and ready to take on the world!

10 Benefits of Acupuncture for Your Fertility Journey!

Fertility Journey as a Mom to be

Here at Thriving Wellbeing, we commonly use Acupuncture and natural medicine to improve the chances of conception during your naturally Fertility or IVF journey. Here are 10 potential benefits of acupuncture for individuals and couples undergoing fertility treatments: Book Your Appointment Here Have a great Day, Dr. Ioann Vouloumanou, (Dr. V) Your Acupuncture Sanctuary in […]

Acupuncture for Female Sexual Health in Del Mar


Acupuncture and supplements can be great solutions for women looking to improve their sex lives and libidos. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points on the body to restore balance. Supplements are concentrated forms of vitamins and minerals used to treat deficiencies or enhance […]