Neck and Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture and integrative medicine work to lower inflammation and swelling and increase blood flow to encourage more rapid healing and reduce pain.

Acupuncture And Integrative Medicine for Neck And Shoulder Pain

Neck pain is a common medical condition that usually occurs in the area of the seven cervical vertebrae of the neck. This pain often varies from patient to patient in whether it is constant or intermittent.
Whether you’re dealing with an occasional flare-up or you’re someone who suffers from chronic neck pain, then you know how much it can impact your life. And if it’s been going on long enough, it may be causing tension and discomfort in other areas of your body as well, resulting in headaches, shoulder pain, and tension in your upper back and trapezius muscles just to name a few possibilities.
If you’re feeling frustrated because you’ve tried other treatment modalities without success, consider adding acupuncture to your healthcare regimen. Acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment for many varieties of neck pain from occasional soreness to chronic conditions.
A person holding a pill bottle in their hand.


A man with his hand covering his face


A woman with her neck and chest exposed.


A woman sitting in a chair with her hands behind her head.


A woman in white underwear sitting on the ground.


A person sitting on the ground with their feet in the air.


Acupuncture Research For Neck and Shoulder Pain

Studies have shown acupuncture can:

What We Treat

A woman sitting on the ground doing yoga.

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